5 Simple Ways to Ace a Video Interview

Dec 9, 2016

The variable that makes all the difference between an in-person interview and a video interview is obvious: Your physical presence. Without being physically present, of course, it will be more challenging to impress your interviewer as one cannot harness the benefits of non-verbal language. But for some, this is a relief.  

But video interviews can be challenging as well, as technical difficulties can always occur during a video conference. Prevent technical interruptions by doing the following:

  • Make sure that your internet connection is strong.
  • Check if the necessary applications for the video call are properly installed and are working properly.
  • Carry out a video and sound check with a friend.

The audio and video are the key components of having a good video conference. Once you have made sure that the two main components are functioning properly, then you are good to go.

1. Look your best and maintain a good posture.

Just because it is a video conference doesn’t mean you don’t have to dress up. You have to look good, professional, and credible.It goes without saying, too, you cannot slouch all throughout the conversation. Remember that when it comes to first impressions, 55% of it comes from how you appear, according to body language expert Mark Bowden.

For most, a video conference is an advantage since you don’t need to worry about your lower body. You still need to look your best. Put on your best clothes and be presentable as much as you can.

Sit upright and keep both feet on the ground but try not to look stiff. If you are not comfortable in this position, find a better position that will not make you look awkward. Do this by observing how you would look using your webcam. You can also do a video and sound check with a friend and ask their opinion on how you would look on the screen.

2. Maintain a good eye contact.

Maintaining a sincere eye contact can greatly help you stay connected with whoever it is you are talking to. A good eye contact will keep the person you are conversing with interested in whatever you are saying. However, this may be difficult in a video conference.

In video calls, you tend to look at the face of the person you are talking to on the screen of your laptop or PC monitor. This will make you appear as if you are looking down on the other end. You can avoid this by optimizing the size of the window and move it nearest to the location of your webcam.

Your gaze should be in between the webcam and the window. This will (1) enable the webcam to capture your gaze and make it look like as if you are having a direct eye contact to the person you are talking with and (2) this will give you a peripheral view of the person on the end.

3.   Try not to fidget.

Can’t help but tap your fingers and feet, or shift on your seat? Try to control these nonverbal cues; they might distract you or the interviewer.

Of course, these unnecessary movements may be unavoidable but can still be managed. To be able to determine these distracting movements, you can video record a mock interview with a friend and observe those movements that you do unconsciously. With this, you may be able to control the fidgeting.

4.   Smile (oh, but not too much)

Smiling during an interview exudes a contagious, positive vibe. And that is a good thing! This can imply that you are an enthusiastic, confident, and personable –a person who is nice to work with.

However, do not overdo it. Being a funny person is good but try not to be goofy. It will make you look like a fool if you keep on smiling even if the message you are trying to get across requires a more sincere and straightforward emotion. Just relax and be yourself.

5.   Keep calm and enjoy your moment.

Will I be able to answer the questions? Have I prepared enough? Will I get the job?

Geez, these questions or thoughts might distract you, especially when you are anxious. These uncertainties that keep on bugging you builds up your anxiety and undermines your confidence in yourself. This could impair you from thinking clearly during the interview.

It is normal to feel nervous during an interview. But you can manage it. Recognize your fears, your emotions. But take comfort in the fact that they are normal. Then you relax. Take deep breathes before the interview and start with a smile.

Good luck!

P.S. We’ve mentioned Mark Bowden, a body language expert consulted by celebrities and G8 world leaders. So, as a bonus, we’ve included an interview by Ameer Rosic with Mark Bowden. You can learn a lot of nonverbal tricks from Mark. However, Amir’s actions in this interview are examples of the things you must not do in a video interview (e.g. fidgeting, making weird faces, etc.). Ciao!


By: Curran Daly + Associates


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