How to Create High-Performance Global Teams

Last updated Sep 27, 2022

There are more firms selling and utilizing goods in various countries today. Companies nowadays want to grow their business into new markets and nations, as well as be more open to an outsourcing or transferring parts of their operations to other countries either through a third party or establishing their own enterprises therein.

But what does this imply for a manager now? Managers are currently having to manage globally dispersed teams, businesses, and suppliers more than ever before.

Creating a high-performing team might be difficult for any manager, but how much more so when you’re coordinating people from different locations with diverse time zones and cultures?

In this week’s blog post we discuss the cultural challenges of managing multiple teams in multiple locations and share some tips on how to tackle them.

The How’s of Managing a Global Team

With the help of globalization, outsourcing, and technology, managing multiple teams in different locations is possible. Though cultural and language sensitivity is necessary to understand each location’s needs based on its culture and clientele.

Assuming your staff in different parts of the world is adequately selected, trained, and developed, here are the key areas you should focus on to get the most out of them:

Define the Objectives and Roles

The first step is to make sure that everyone knows what their roles and responsibilities are within the company. This includes clarifying the objectives of the team and how each person’s role contributes to achieving these goals. Doing this will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.

It is also important to keep in mind that people in different cultures may have different ideas about what their role entails. For example, in some cultures, it is common for people to take on tasks outside of their job description if they feel it will help the company. In others, people may be more reluctant to do this. As a manager, it is important to be aware of these cultural differences and take them into account when assigning roles and responsibilities.

Set up Regular Communication

It is essential to set up regular communication among all members of the team, regardless of location. This can be done through video conferencing, telephone calls, or even instant messaging. The important thing is that everyone has a way to stay in touch and share information.

When communicating, be sure to take into account the different time zones of each team member. For example, if you have team members in the United States and Europe, you will need to schedule calls or video conferences at a time that is convenient for both groups.

Feedback is essential for any team, but it is especially important for global teams. Make sure to encourage team members to give feedback to one another and to you. This will help to improve the quality of work and keep everyone on track.

Giving and receiving feedback can be done through regular check-ins, either in person or over video conference. You can also use an online tool such as Google Hangouts or Skype to stay in touch and give feedback.

Encourage a Sense of Community

Make sure to encourage a sense of community among your team members. This can be done by holding regular team-building activities, such as social events or company-wide celebrations.

You can also use online tools to bring team members together. For example, you can create a private Facebook group or a WhatsApp group for team members to stay in touch and share information.

Encouraging a sense of community will help to build trust and teamwork among team members, which is essential for any team but especially important for global teams.

Be Flexible

Be flexible when it comes to managing your team. This means being open to different working hours and arrangements, as well as being willing to adjust your management style to suit the needs of your team members.

For example, you may need to be more flexible with team members who have family obligations or who live in different time zones. You may also need to adjust your management style to suit the cultural norms of each location.

Being flexible will show your team members that you are willing to work with them to find a solution that works best for everyone.

5. Celebrate Success

Make sure to celebrate the successes of your team, no matter how small they may be. This will help to motivate team members and keep them engaged.

You can celebrate success by holding regular team meetings, sending out company-wide emails, or even giving out awards or rewards. Whatever you do, make sure everyone knows when the team has done a great job.

Provide adequate support

Finally, it is important to provide adequate support to your team members. This includes offering training and development opportunities, as well as access to the resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

You can provide support by holding regular training sessions, making sure that team members have the right tools and resources, and offering feedback. Doing this will show your team members that you are committed to their success.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your global team is communicating effectively and working towards the same goal. Regular communication is essential for any team, but it is especially important for global teams. By staying in touch and encouraging a sense of community, you can build trust and teamwork among team members. And by being flexible and providing adequate support

Final Thoughts

Managers who have geographically dispersed teams may reap significant advantages in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and the opportunity to recruit individuals with the greatest talents, regardless of their location. To be effective as a leader of these teams, managers must pick excellent team members and employ strong communication techniques and technological choices. Leaders must also exhibit sensitivity to cultural issues and differences. Creating high-performing global teams is possible by taking into consideration the importance of effective communication, community building, and creating a sense of support for team members.

What other tips do you have for creating high-performing global teams? Let us know in the comments below.

By: Curran Daly + Associates


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