How To Conduct Remote Job Interviews Effectively

Last updated Sep 27, 2022

The world increasingly moves towards digitalization every day, and self-quarantine during the pandemic has only expedited this process. Many people who traditionally work in brick-and-mortar jobs are now trying to find an online equivalent.

The same goes for conducting job interviews. Face-to-face meetings are often not possible, and voice calls are sometimes not enough. Video interviews are the best way to get a feel for how a candidate would perform in a remote work environment.

Preparing for and Conducting a Remote Interview

Preparing for and conducting a remote interview is different from an in-person interview in a few key ways. The most important difference is that you can’t rely on body language cues as much as you could in person. When you’re talking to someone face-to-face, 55% of communication is through body language, 38% is the tone of voice, and 7% is the actual words spoken, according to research from Albert Mehrabian.

But when you’re on a video call, you lose most of the body language cues. You can see some cues, like crossed arms or slouching, but you miss out on many others, like fidgeting or eye contact. This means that you have to pay more attention to the words the person is saying and the tone of their voice.

To get started, here are a few tips for how to conduct an effective remote video conferencing job interview:

1. Choose the right platform for your video interview

There are a few different video conferencing platforms you can choose from, like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts. It’s important to pick one that you’re comfortable using and that will work well with the type of interview you’re doing.

For example, if you’re interviewing someone for a customer service position, you might want to use Skype so they can show you how they would use the platform to help a customer. Or, if you’re interviewing a developer, you might want to use Zoom so they can share their screen and show you code samples.

Zoom is a great option if you need to conduct a meeting with multiple people. You can also record your meetings on Zoom, which can be helpful for reference later.

Skype is another option that’s great for video interviews. One advantage of Skype is that it’s available on more platforms than Zoom, like Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac.

FaceTime is only available on Apple devices, but it’s a good option if you’re interviewing someone who only has an iPhone or iPad.

Google Hangouts is a good option if you’re already using Google Suite for your business. It integrates seamlessly with other Google products, like Gmail and Calendar.

Whichever platform you choose, make sure you test it out ahead of time to make sure everything is working properly.

2. Set up a test call

Once you’ve chosen your platform, it’s time to set up a test call with the person you’re going to be interviewing. 

This will help you make sure the audio and video are working properly. It’s also a good opportunity to ask the person if they have any questions about the platform or the interview itself.

3. Make sure you have a good internet connection

This one is important! If your internet connection is bad, it will affect the quality of the call, and it will be more difficult to communicate effectively.

4. Choose a quiet place to conduct the interview

It’s important to find a place where you can talk without being interrupted. If you’re at home, this might mean finding a room where you can close the door and not be disturbed. If you’re in an office, it might mean booking a conference room in advance.

5. Dress the part

Even though the person you’re interviewing can’t see your outfit, it’s still important to dress the part. This will help you feel more confident and professional.

6. Be aware of your body language

Since the person you’re interviewing can’t see your body language as well, it’s important to be aware of the cues you’re sending with your posture and facial expressions. For example, if you want to appear interested and engaged, make sure you’re sitting up straight and making eye contact.

7. Ask questions

Just like in an in-person interview, it’s important to ask questions. This will help you get to know the person better and see if they’re a good fit for the position.

8. Take notes

It can be helpful to take notes during the interview so you can remember what the person said later. You can also use these notes to help you make your decision about whether or not to hire the person.

9. Thank the person for their time

At the end of the interview, be sure to thank the person for their time. This is a courtesy that will make a good impression, no matter what your decision is about hiring them.

After the Interview

Once the interview is done, it’s now time for you to make a decision. But before coming to a conclusion, ensure that all candidates had an equal opportunity to showcase their skills and experience. This way, you can be confident that you’re hiring the most qualified individual for the job.

You can also conduct a post-interview evaluation with your team. This is an essential step, especially if you’re hiring for a managerial or leadership role. By getting feedback from your team, you can be sure that you’re making the best decision for the company.

When setting up a post-interview evaluation, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Schedule a meeting with your team

The first step is to schedule a meeting with your team. This can be done via email or in person, depending on your preference.

2. Send out the agenda ahead of time

When sending out the meeting invite, include the agenda for the discussion. This will help everyone prepare for the meeting and ensure that it stays on track.

3. Give everyone a chance to speak

When it’s time for the meeting, make sure everyone has a chance to speak. This includes the people who didn’t interview the candidate as well as those who did.

4. Encourage honest feedback

It’s important to encourage honest feedback from your team. This way, you can get an accurate picture of the candidate and whether or not they’re a good fit for the position.

5. Thank everyone for their input

At the end of the meeting, be sure to thank everyone for their input. This will show your appreciation for their time and effort, and it will help build team morale.

Making a Decision

After you’ve conducted your post-interview evaluation, it’s time to make a decision. If you’re still unsure about which candidate to hire, there are a few things you can do to help you come to a conclusion:

1. Review the job posting

The first step is to review the job posting. This will remind you of the qualifications and skills that are required for the position.

2. Compare the candidates

Next, you’ll need to compare the candidates. This includes their qualifications, skills, experience, and how they would fit into the company culture.

3. Consider your team’s input

If you conducted a post-interview evaluation with your team, be sure to consider their input. This can help you make a more informed decision about who to hire.

4. Make a decision

Once you’ve considered all of the factors, it’s time to make a decision. Be sure to take your time and make the choice that you feel is best for the company.

5. Inform the candidates

After you’ve made your decision, the next step is to inform the candidates. You can do this via email or over the phone, depending on your preference.

6. Send a job offer

If you’ve decided to hire the candidate, the next step is to send them a job offer. This should include information about the position, salary, and benefits.

7. Stay in touch

Even if you don’t end up hiring the candidate, it’s important to stay in touch. This way, you can keep them in mind for future opportunities.

Final Thoughts

Conducting a remote job interview doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these tips, you can be sure that you’re doing everything you can to hire the best person for the job.

interviewee, how to behave during an interview, what platform to use

When it comes to interviews, preparation is key – no matter if it’s your first job interview or you’re a seasoned pro. The same goes for remote interviews. While there are some similarities between in-person and remote interviews, there are also some important differences to keep in mind.

If you’re looking to expand effectively, connect with Curran Daly & Associates today!

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Smith, G. (2020, April 27). Conducting remote interviews successfully. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from

DeVries, H. (2020, April 27). How To Conduct Remote Job Interviews During COVID-19 Crisis. Retrieved from

By: Curran Daly + Associates


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