Tips to Help Make Zoom Meetings Better for Everyone

Last updated Oct 1, 2022

Do you dread Zoom meetings? Do they give you technical anxiety?

Do not fret. Chances are, the other participants in your zoom meeting are feeling the same way as you.

The good thing is, there are things that you can do to ensure a more productive and effective zoom meeting each time. Today we will talk about five tips to help zoom meetings be better for everyone.

With social distancing still strictly enforced in many places, the safest way to get in touch with employees and colleagues is through online conferences.

However, with so many still used to face-to-face meetings, Zoom meetings can be a challenge due to multiple factors like meeting management, technical issues, and audio difficulties. These glitches not only eat up precious time but also take away the focus from the tasks and problems at hand.

So, what do you do? Go through this checklist for a smoother and even more enjoyable Zoom meeting each time!

Tips to Make Zoom Meetings Productive and Enjoyable for Everyone

1. Get to know Zoom

Familiarize yourself with all the functions and buttons. Knowing how to use these will not only give you more confidence in using the platform, but it will provide you with more options on how to make each meeting efficient and productive.

You can ask the participants to use the chat channels to park questions while the meeting host discusses essential items. Doing this can help avoid the meeting from getting off track and allows you to ensure that all questions will be addressed later on.

Aside from chat, you can also make use of the screen share function, have your participants compare their documents in real time, and you can enable active speaker viewing for seamless transitions. All these functions are at the tip of your fingers; you just need to know how to make them work for you.

2. Set the Stage

You can set the mood of the entire meeting. Since your participants are attending remotely, you cannot anticipate and control external factors from their side, but you can always try to manage your surroundings. Set your lighting right, check the best camera angle, find an area free from distractions and noise, and double-check audio settings to ensure everyone can hear you.

3. Get an Instant Face Lift

Hate Zoom meetings because you do not like how you look on camera? Problem solved with the “touch up my appearance” tool. This tool becomes especially handy when you are running late and have no time to look presentable. A single click can give you a fresher appearance on cam. No more hiding from the camera when you need to talk or present something.

4. Assign a Zoom Police

Delegate the task of manning the meeting, especially if you have a large number of attendees. Having a Zoom coordinator helps maintain order during the entire session. Appoint someone to co-host with you by providing them with the host code, and they can take care of the technical side like muting mics, switching screens, and even removing people from the meeting if necessary. Doing this gives you the chance to focus on presenting without scrambling to take care of the conference “glitches.”

5.  Break the Ice

A face-to-face meeting can already be awkward, and you can bet that virtual meetings can be so much more for many. Not everyone is confident showing their faces on camera, and you may have a hard time drawing the shy ones out into talking and participating. You can help loosen up the mood by allowing the participants to interact with each other for a few minutes before the meeting.

Doing this will help you help your participants feel more comfortable with each other, which can help make them more participative during the meeting. What’s a 10-minute timeframe of friendly chitchat if it will help your participants to become more engaged and active during the discussion? Never think of this as a waste of time this might help you make the Zoom meeting better for everyone.

6. Keep it Short and Sweet

Keep Zoom meetings short by scheduling them for 30 minutes to 1 hour only. This way, participants will not feel like they are being dragged into an eternity of Zoom Purgatory.

Specify the purpose of the meeting and start on time. Do not wait for latecomers as this would only make the rest of the participants wait and feel frustrated. If you need to discuss more items, you can always schedule another meeting. Zoom fatigue is real, so it would be best to avoid it as much as possible.

7. Be Engaging

Be engaging by being interested in what your participants have to say. Nod your head, smile, and make eye contact with the person talking. Encourage participants to unmute their mics if they have something to say. When you show genuine interest in what they are saying, Zoom meetings become more productive as everyone feels like their voices are being heard.

8. Take Advantage of the Recording Feature

You can take advantage of Zoom’s recording feature to save the discussion. This way, you can go back and review what was said during the meeting. You can even share the recordings with those who were not able to attend. Recordings are also a great way to transcribe minutes of the meeting, so everyone is on the same page.

9. Take Advantage of the Breakout Rooms

If you have a large number of participants, Zoom’s breakout rooms feature can come in handy. This feature allows you to split the participants into smaller groups. You can assign a moderator for each group and specify the duration of the breakouts. Doing this can help make Zoom meetings more organized and less chaotic.

10. Mute Your Mic When You’re Not Talking

If you are not talking, mute your mic. This way, you can avoid Zoom bomb threats and other Zoom meeting disruptions. Muting your mic also helps reduce background noise so that the participants can focus on the discussion.

Final Thoughts

When you follow these tips, you can help make Zoom meetings better for everyone. Zoom meetings can be productive and organized if you know how to make the most out of the features that Zoom has to offer. By being a responsible Zoom meeting host, you can help make Zoom meetings more enjoyable for everyone.

Zoom meetings do not always have to be dreadful; in fact, they can be one of the most effective ways to catch up with colleagues and employees. Just make sure to follow the tips above for a more productive and efficient meeting each time.

By: Curran Daly + Associates


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